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Orci a scelerisque purus semper eget duis. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. 

About the Course

Don’t miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipment. Whether it’s a missing o-ring, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, the PADI Equipment Specialist course teaches you to manage basic repairs and adjustments. You’ll also learn more about how your gear works, making you more comfortable with it and better prepared to take care of your investment.

If you’re at least 10 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver or higher, you can enroll in the Equipment Specialist course.

Learn How to

  • Fix equipment problems
  • Clean and maintain your gear
  • Create a save-a-dive kit
Take This Course

If You Want to

  • Make minor gear repairs
  • Avoid missing dives due to gear issues
  • Maximize the life of your equipment

Medical Requirements

Scuba diving requires a minimum level of health and fitness. Chronic health conditions, certain medications and/or recent surgery may require you to get written approval from a physician before diving.

Prerequisites & Minimum Age

Minimum Age: 10

Course prerequisites: (Jr.) Scuba Diver or equivalent entry-level certification