learn to fly today

flight training school

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About the Course

Diving in a current can feel like flying underwater. In the PADI® Drift Diver course, you’ll learn drift diving tips from an experienced instructor and practice buoyancy control, navigation, use of surface signaling equipment and buddy communication.

Learn How to

  • Use surface signaling equipment
  • Stay close to your buddy
  • Make entries and descents in a current
Take This Course

If You Want to

  • Try drift diving with an instructor
  • Feel confident diving in a current
  • Learn about aquatic currents – causes and effects

Medical Requirements

Scuba diving requires a minimum level of health and fitness. Chronic health conditions, certain medications and/or recent surgery may require you to get written approval from a physician before diving.

Prerequisites & Minimum Age

Minimum Age: 12

Course prerequisites: (Junior) Open Water Diver or equivalent certification